woensdag 30 januari 2008

On zoos

Visited twice a zoo here, and though I don t seem to get the point of keeping animals in captivity, though I read about the tiger in the Pacific, and though I try to believe me, I wish that people would better be off eaving animals in plain freedom and experience freedom themselves for once, if that is possible, everyone is captive in this life isn t it...
I must say the Parque Natural in Pucallpa surprised me pleasantly, after the dingy environment of Tingo Maria s UNAS, univerçt they claim too be...,it was a relief. The animals hadn t been rescued though, whereas in Tingo they are, I wonder what truth lies in that...
From illegal trade, put into pequeños jaulas, little as can be, saved, for the better??????
Anyway what s the solution? No more animal trade, change of government, and no more burocracía, as is the case in Peru, so that more funds go where they ought to go, to the people and poor animals. They never asked for anything did they?
Maybe schools should also start on working with more social and conservation programms, instead of filling heads with brainwashed images till they explode.
I got a lick from the tapir, sachavaca a it is locally known, it ate my hair and licked my fingers and I got him out of his restrained enclosure, making him wander about the ducks, and turtles and geese food ...He got a massage too, and I m in love...with the sachavaca.
I petted a strange looking peruvian dog, bold, almost japanese...but they assured me it was Peruvian.
Shaking hands with curious monkeys, and trying to get a glimpse of one shy one, less terrible than the monkey I pètted in Tingo, which had a definitely depressed look on its face...
Busy leafcutter ants, giant bumblebees nd aggressive mosquitoes followed me around.

All that in a lush tropical forest...with rainstorms, fried fish and fried green bananas, my staple food for now.

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