zondag 23 december 2007

Hindi food,marathons in Cuzco and sleepless nights

Jep, I suffer from insomnia, 3 weeks, my face starts to look like an Indian one with big dark circles benathe my panther eyes, thats how Rey calls them
But it softens your ego, and brings new insights
Insight one: I d like to work with drug addicts and HIV, since I want to clean mysef of bad Karma and help others so badly. I am thinking of a yoga programm...
Insight two: Epo is really what I miss in Belgium, and I think I ll have to move to higher altitudes
Insight three: I love India, from when I ve been a kid, and the asian subcontinent, although I haven t been tehre yet.
Insight 4: I feel Nepal or Tibet will do for my cravings for mountains and tsampa
Insight 5: I love my Sagar and I really wish we can be together in the nearest future, for a healthy hapy life
Insight 6: I am going to take him back to Nepal next year with me, I think it will be the only solution for him
and so on....

I found the only real Indian restaurant of Cuzco, am invited fro New Years eve, if Iam still here. I dunno what Rey has in mind, if he wants to travell with me for a while or not. Inch ALlah, we ll see

Yesterday they (Rey and Chici, nice youngster) kidnapped me and took me to all the carpenterias, woodies, of the suburbs, looking for Triplay (peruvian triplex hahahah) to display their artesanias
no luck, i was exhausted, since i have to blow my nose every 5 seconds, if I don t want to end up looking like a troll...I think we walked 70 miles, and they kept on saying "you dont enjoy walking? "They still have inca blood in them I am sure
NOOOOO i don t enjoy walking for hours in cities, I want to roam in the jungle so deep...

I went to a quena (peruvian flute with nice sound)concert in the municipal theatre, and it starts to feel like X mas, cold chilly nights and lights all over
the quena was thrilling, especially Shanti s , a peruvian with long hair in his 50 ies who misses love and loses his kids over and over to English mamms, exes of him who take them to unfortunate UK

Vla that s all, I hope tofind my sleep back soon

Love Muwgli

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