zaterdag 1 maart 2008

Lima after Iquitos

It seems so quiet, the cars make no noise at all
Strange how one gets used to silence, when I first arrived, I thought Lima was noisy, now it seems peaceful, but I am in Miraflores, so...
I am moving into my little room again, what a heaven, thanks Patanjali, Kundalini and I don t know who, oh yes God, life,plants, trees, whatever the name of the energy surrounding us is...
I love the ocean, vast and endless, I don t feel so confined as I do inside a country
I feel like there s a possible escape because I can see it
and I love the selva too and the mountains, the desert, but I definitely love the air I breathe at the oceanside.
In the end it all comes to this
I profoundly adore and love Nature, its magic seems surprising me, and its uncomplicatedness and happy just being there is something I would like to feel in this life
Despite the fact that healthreasons kept me a little astray from it, a deep rooted admiration has founded itself even more. I feel scared to go back to Belgium, now that I found myself so close to its spirit, back to a country that seems so grey.It will be a challenge to encounter the spirit of Nature in the parks created by humans and in the little bit of nature we have left.
Everything seems so superficial to me: a melancholic longing to spend my life surrounded by my love is growing. But in Belgium I ll have my other love of my life to nurture me... That makes me going back...
We might end up in Nepal, or in the jungle.

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