vrijdag 28 december 2007

Stress at possible exhibition


Today I met with the art crowd,meaning bustling Vera and cher calling Oscar. She s a Russian, about my age, whom has been living in Cuzco for 8 years.She runs the exhibition space at Qorikancha,the inka temple which has been destroyed by Iglesia Sto Domingo... like so much of the incas has been eaten by the voracious Catholic entreprise...Incredible that most people have adopted the catholic religion,although with a very animistic undertone.

Yesterday I was delighted to see some of the green surrroundings of Cuzco from closer by, guided by the 'last Inca', whom took me to the temple of the moon and of the monkey. Amazing relicts of serpents, boas, monkeys and condors,men and women energy stones, a rock sofa... Incredible, not so far from Q-enqo, the place most tourists pay for to get in, but not me.I was impressed by a cave,where they did some sacrifice rituals on the mesa,table,moonlit at 2 AM.

The 'last Inca' did not only know about this sacred place, he also told me all about its surrounding plants. Later we went to his home, and I met his mamm, a cholo, real nice adobe house, not much comfort, but who needs it in such an environment.I dreamt of horses taking me to far away grutas, and staying there, alone, not to isolate me, or maybe just to do that, the city makes so much noise.

After I invited him to a torta de acelgas and a jugo de piña, in town, it was a quite funny sight. The man, 52 and single after a terrible heartache,living with his mamm, dressed up as the last inca, gold adorned and everything, with a gringa at his side. I bet most people must have thought something, but what the heck.

I might be stuck in Cuzco just a bit longer,I am getting really anxious to leave now, but I have to think art-wise, and so Vera told me -why wait another year if you could exhibit sooner-, and called with Oscar of the museo de arte contemporaneo, with making me sound a bit like a magic artist, and completely crazy about my work...
But Oscar, the director of the museo contemporaneo is gone till the 5th of january, so I have to think over my plans again....The museo is not really my style, but Vera said there s a lot of passage there, and I believe her...
ANyway, the exhibition would be for march...if it happens.
I guess the jungle won t run away, but I am afraid Sagar might...But I believe in karma, in a way, and our karma is to be juntos, so...
Oh my sweet Sagar.How much I miss you and how much you are in my restless mind, you have no idea.

I had a good laugh with Ann and Peter and the muppets, they re something,...
Peter reminds me of Rafael in a way, he s crazy....but very nice.

http://demie.dederdebelg.be/ (Anns Blog)

dinsdag 25 december 2007

Sunshine reggae

Christmas turkey was delicious a bird, and so was the stuffing, the wine of which I abused... once in a life, the company and everything
Xmas dinner ended up in me giving my presents,appropriate finger animals for everyone. After that we made a city tour, to find a nice place to shake off the excess we just took in, and after having passed through warzone like Plaza de Armas, with people trying to get some sleep on all of its corners beneath their temporary blankets, and fires everywhere, firework scaring the hell out of your shoes, ... we finally found a REGGAE place. The sleeping people were remnants of the huge Xday market, who had descended or came up, I haven t figured out yet, for selling all shapes of grasses to decorate the stalls, all sizes of Xmas stalls, and all kinds of sheep and thing to fill it up, ...Amazing.
I fell kind of stupid, bcuz these people don t even have a Xmas celebration, they re too poor, and still they make their way down here to sell their stuff, hardly making 1 euro...and having paid 25 or 50 cent on busses, it doesn t leave them with much to return home...
We danced, and I shaked my whole body till I was too tired to move 1 limb up to San Blas
Marisol gave me a uge packet of books to read, and all of them interesting
AND I FOUND by coincidence, I stopped believing in coincidence now, Patanjali by Osho
More about it later
Time for some wine, and try to get my love Sagar on the phone...
I hope I will,....

zondag 23 december 2007


Merry Tok mas, tok tok tok
Happy Brew year

The chicken and the nerd
Well, the chicken for sure


Still... Cuzco

I guess it will be jingle bells here, without moving too much to far away destinations, since the turkey is going to be cooked by an English man, hopefully with the red cranberries, and the hostel has one new recently arrived guest I happen to know, Ann Bollaerts, from Schilde. ....But it s funny with so many Belgians around, it will make me feel at home in these days of homey celebrations. I hope the turkey will have lived a life of gastronomic outrageousness, so its meat will be tender and my stomach will smile..I foud some great shampoo in SACHETES, called Outrageous from Revlon too.My sensible hair seems to delight in its washing. Maybe everything has to be OUTRAGEOUS in 2008, or maybe I don t even have to wait for 2008.Here s a sample of my OUTRAGEOUS day.
Today I woke up at 9, felt inmensely filled with joy and satisfaction again after doing my yoga xercices, and started doing some meditation too...
After that I went looking for breakie, and found a nice place, jazzy tunes, with a nice bartender who was willing to make me a real outrageous pancake with banana, at least he was willing to try, he proposed me an egg with banana...After explaining in details what i really wanted, he smiled and said, vamos a tratar... And the result was outrageous
So to the market I went with a smiling stomach, and I met people who were willing to tell me all about the plants of the sierra, two. So that s what I did, I sat for hours with Lidia, she dictating me all the plants and their properties she knew, and me as a good student surrounded by touchy happy children,... I never made it to arlos and his medicinal herbs, whom was also willing to unveil me the secrets of all the dried plants... So I guess I ll have to stay one more day, and go to him tomorrow, since such an opportunity I can t let go.
And since the turkey is on its way I ll end up staying much longer than I planned in the city, where clouds have started to drop some rain, and no snow.
I also talked for hours to a quechua woman from Rocotto, a stuffed paprika, no a village whom invited me over to visit her in january.
But I hope by then I ll be sleeping in the Pucallpa jungle somewhere...since Fico sent me a very attracive picture of Shipibo Natives...
and assured me there are tapirs to be found in the neighbourhood.
Oh and I had an OUTRAGEOUS piece of Maracuja pie today also...
So it s not time to leave Cuzco yet..
Plants and pies, what does a woman want more,?
SAGAR of course....


I reached Cuzco after 10 days discovering the Sacred Valley. In Ollanta I saw my first Satuni, funny kind of animal, with an even funnier tail, teeth of a castor and always sleepy eyes. I think Satuni is the quechua name, I ll look it up and will let you all know...It was lucky to have been rescued by the grandma of a girl, whom found it in her chakra, a piece of agricultural land, abandoned by his mamm...poor sweetheart.
In Chinchero the rain was pooring down and I reached it a bit too late to be on time for the local market. But I met some wonderful artist, half from the mountains half from the jungle, whom invited me to go and visit the communities around Chinchero.Maybe, if the weather allows my travells, I ll go back there since no tourists seem to have any kind of interest of that place.
But as I said b4, rainy season has reached the sierra, and it get so damp and nothing dries, even not your body... So I think my next stop will b the coast, b4 heading to the jungle. It is hard to figure out where the best part of the jungle is, so i ll go as a blind man, northwards...
I don t have a phone available, but I ll call u, ok.
In Urubamba I had to run behind my backpack which had left me without me, the busdriver whom told me , sisisi señorita, yo te cuidare su bolsa hasta que vuelvas del baño, had forgotten I was in the toilet, and left without me. So I was sent on another bus, and miracle, found my bag back at the middle of the crossroad, the providence, I am a firm belliever now, that did it.
Salinas I did with my backpack and all climbing the mountains, and I actually was soo proud and happy in the porring rain, u see when you want you can. You just have to KRIM unwanted things from your life. My leopard paws did the trick, and Bilis was my mirror, facing myself with my rooted and comprehensible fears. But I am doing all I can to get rid of them, and it feels soo liberating. I stood and flew like a condor in the rain, in front of a miraculous landscape of saltpans up high in the mountains .... Meditating on it, I realised how little I needed and Nature is my one and only companion. I am completely in love with Nature.Every day more and more, and I can t wait till all the residues of society leave my impregnated body.
Maybe one day soon I ll find a cave and retire for a while, hummmm
But every step at its time no?



Machu Pichu an extremely slow net and an even slower bus, i waited for almost an hour for it to take me to a quiet peeaceful countrysude place, but it just didn t fill up, so instead I am writing you some speedy news... Machu Pichu, impressive, I m glad I made it, but the tourists are eveywhere, huh, even in my socks
I met my traveller friends, hippies, 3 Peruvian youngsters, whom walked their way up to Aguas Calientes, at the edge of Machu Pichu, from Ollanta¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Crazy, I took the train, and bask and now I m left with the souvenir of those cute boys from 24, yes yes, every time younger, only they don t seem as young as Belgians that age
One is straight from Iquitos, with bones through his ears, and cuuuuuuuuuuute oh so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute, he surely knows every trick of charm, and uses it in a very peculiar way, I never encountered a person so loving and charming, whispering me nice Brasilian songs, then picking up the Iquitos accent which is our kind of Limburgs I suppose, ...
But I left them all behind bcuz I am a good turista, and take the train, for 100 km... instead of the adventure through the mountains, I guess I am just not physically fit enough, and now I miss them, of course....

Tomorrow to Chincheros, and then on to Cuzco where I ll relax a few days b4 deciding where I m headin....NOT HOME
ALthough I miss Sagar a lot and all of you too
but the grey anatomy of Antwerp isn t an attractive perspective, if u know what I mean

Love you all, more news from the fast internet in Cuzco

Hindi food,marathons in Cuzco and sleepless nights

Jep, I suffer from insomnia, 3 weeks, my face starts to look like an Indian one with big dark circles benathe my panther eyes, thats how Rey calls them
But it softens your ego, and brings new insights
Insight one: I d like to work with drug addicts and HIV, since I want to clean mysef of bad Karma and help others so badly. I am thinking of a yoga programm...
Insight two: Epo is really what I miss in Belgium, and I think I ll have to move to higher altitudes
Insight three: I love India, from when I ve been a kid, and the asian subcontinent, although I haven t been tehre yet.
Insight 4: I feel Nepal or Tibet will do for my cravings for mountains and tsampa
Insight 5: I love my Sagar and I really wish we can be together in the nearest future, for a healthy hapy life
Insight 6: I am going to take him back to Nepal next year with me, I think it will be the only solution for him
and so on....

I found the only real Indian restaurant of Cuzco, am invited fro New Years eve, if Iam still here. I dunno what Rey has in mind, if he wants to travell with me for a while or not. Inch ALlah, we ll see

Yesterday they (Rey and Chici, nice youngster) kidnapped me and took me to all the carpenterias, woodies, of the suburbs, looking for Triplay (peruvian triplex hahahah) to display their artesanias
no luck, i was exhausted, since i have to blow my nose every 5 seconds, if I don t want to end up looking like a troll...I think we walked 70 miles, and they kept on saying "you dont enjoy walking? "They still have inca blood in them I am sure
NOOOOO i don t enjoy walking for hours in cities, I want to roam in the jungle so deep...

I went to a quena (peruvian flute with nice sound)concert in the municipal theatre, and it starts to feel like X mas, cold chilly nights and lights all over
the quena was thrilling, especially Shanti s , a peruvian with long hair in his 50 ies who misses love and loses his kids over and over to English mamms, exes of him who take them to unfortunate UK

Vla that s all, I hope tofind my sleep back soon

Love Muwgli

Thanks Rocky.Last night with beer and coca...

In la gota de agua, a little further than the ojo de agua, heel inventief zijn ze niet hier in zuid amerika

Heb maar 4 barre uurtjes mijn ogen toegedaan, was in charming company, van babbelzieke studenten en een koor van zampoñas, panfluiten, op de voorgrond mijn best aan het doen om mijn stemvolume wat op te voeren...Aaah mi Bolivia, mijn hart is verknocht en ik verheug me al op de het Carnaval in de provincie van Oruro, waar de kostuums je je ogen uit hun kasssen doen kijken...
Welcome to Peru, sunshine, maar van korte duur, na mijn excellente alomtegenwoordige trucha, trout, ... hoe zeg je dat ook weer in t Nl?, ach ja forel, klinkt nirt zo smakleijk als trucha, vind je niet? is de wind komen opwaaien en heeft al het stof van de straten geveegd, op mij... hehehe, ijskoud, dus ik ga naar huis, in bed onder de dekens
Morgenochtend vaar ik naar het barste eiland op dit reuzegroot meer, bijna rvrn groot als Belgie, waar ik hoop een tijdje te blijven, als ik niet verander in een ijsbeer.Ja datzou nogiets wezen, een ijsbeer hier... nog nooit gezien.
Ik werd deze ochtend wakker met een onweerstaanbare trek in tsampa, mmmmmmm wat zou ik niet over hebben voor een kop van dat geestverrijkende meel, en daarop volgde de gedachte aan Sagar, die om welke duistere reden dan ook niets van zich laat weten, duister zal die wel zijn, ik stel me vanalles voor, ach ja,.....niet aan denken, wel makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan...
en toen in the sweeping wind kocht ik alvast mijn eigen kerstkado, een boekvan Isabelle Allende, in het spàans over de Himalaya... toeval of niet?

Verkeerde continent, maar niet de verkeerde mensen, de Aymaras doen me beven, en het is gek maar hier is alles naar de grond gericht, en in de Himalaya, alles naar de hemel, vreemd fenomeen

Om over te peinzen

Iedereen lacht me toe in de straat nu ik een poncho draag van de altiplano, sommigen lachen ook met me, maar ja

Dikke kus



Hello the americas,
back in sweet so sweet La Paz, soroche, altitude sickness have not bitten me hard this time, lucky I am, if Rey were a shaman indeed the one I am looking for, I lost him to the beach, he prefers the sunny heat of the coastal lands than the cold, if not wet winds of the barren altiplano, which I enjoy heavenly, I duno what attracts me to it, it s the call of the Pachamama I guess...
So everyone left me, the crazy americans have gone to Sucre, they are crazy indeed since the politics create some kind of turmoil there and it is definitely not a safe place to go
I came back from Coroico, medio jungle with unvisible capybaras, but the heat and the rivers the plants and the kindness of place have made me realisethe environment I am definitely wanting to settle, so here is my new plan, instead of going tooooooooooooooo far away and still be satisfied by the surroundings, I ll try Costa Rica, where the animals roam wild and I d have more chance of seeing them on a daily basis, it would really thrill me to see a sloth a day, nothing equalling seeing yourself every day huh
So Costa Rica, I think it is growing, since I ll be close to my family, well part of it, in the americas... and they could visiit me mopre easily

And all the Belgianss who long for some exoticism, could sleep in my humble shack, next to the atlantic and in the middle of a verdant green

What do u think

So maybe I ll come over and visit you in the US, on my way up
but for Santa it won t be, I m going to Ecuador, or Rapa Nui if my dearest future husband fails on writing me...

Well if not Costa Rica, Nepal is good enough, Belgium seems further and further away
and the concrete buildings too

Today I spent my day on my first tour, which was soooooooooooooooo interesting, I hope my memory will contain everything:

Byebye seee you later
Peña, music night

LOve and Pisco

invitation for Czech dance camp FOR LIZ

O i dunno
I think I ll give up trying, and I ll also give up trying to find a shaman and a Kallawayah here, as Rey ( a very nice peruvian i keep on bumping into, who is social assistant in the jail of Arequipa and who travells for his holiday till december and sells artesanias too) told me: He has lived with shamans and alikes for 10 years, so I kind of trust him...

Otherwise I might get bitten (as in my dream, the turtle was bitten by the snake, but nothing happened, but the next dream she was put back on her way...)

My diarrhea is better now thanks to chachacuma again, let s hope it settles itself

I think I ll go to Coroico from here although the road is really bad, dangerous and it is raining
But if u want to go to paradise you have to endure something, I believe
Coroico is supposed to be paradise

The cocaleaves have done me good and I bought myself a small turtle, salud, health and long life, since I have been having dreams of turtles 2 nights in a row

La Paz is nice as a matter of fact
wonder boven wonder

I ll head back after to Puno and Titicaca and spend time on the island Amantani
b4 going to Cuzco and onwards
It is strange but I miss Peru a lot, something calls me back there
so, that s what I ll do
and tehn to Ecuador, to the sea, do some permaculture if I can and yoga

And you what are you up to?

I long for the ocean, the Atlantic really

my breast hhurt and I cried when Rey told me all these things
I think I ll have my periods manana

Take care
it is cold
am going under the wool

I am quite surprised by the gentleness of people
and am relieved not to have had to deal with the crazy american nrg today

Love you