Today I met with the art crowd,meaning bustling Vera and cher calling Oscar. She s a Russian, about my age, whom has been living in Cuzco for 8 years.She runs the exhibition space at Qorikancha,the inka temple which has been destroyed by Iglesia Sto Domingo... like so much of the incas has been eaten by the voracious Catholic entreprise...Incredible that most people have adopted the catholic religion,although with a very animistic undertone.
Yesterday I was delighted to see some of the green surrroundings of Cuzco from closer by, guided by the 'last Inca', whom took me to the temple of the moon and of the monkey. Amazing relicts of serpents, boas, monkeys and condors,men and women energy stones, a rock sofa... Incredible, not so far from Q-enqo, the place most tourists pay for to get in, but not me.I was impressed by a cave,where they did some sacrifice rituals on the mesa,table,moonlit at 2 AM.
The 'last Inca' did not only know about this sacred place, he also told me all about its surrounding plants. Later we went to his home, and I met his mamm, a cholo, real nice adobe house, not much comfort, but who needs it in such an environment.I dreamt of horses taking me to far away grutas, and staying there, alone, not to isolate me, or maybe just to do that, the city makes so much noise.
After I invited him to a torta de acelgas and a jugo de piña, in town, it was a quite funny sight. The man, 52 and single after a terrible heartache,living with his mamm, dressed up as the last inca, gold adorned and everything, with a gringa at his side. I bet most people must have thought something, but what the heck.
I might be stuck in Cuzco just a bit longer,I am getting really anxious to leave now, but I have to think art-wise, and so Vera told me -why wait another year if you could exhibit sooner-, and called with Oscar of the museo de arte contemporaneo, with making me sound a bit like a magic artist, and completely crazy about my work...
But Oscar, the director of the museo contemporaneo is gone till the 5th of january, so I have to think over my plans again....The museo is not really my style, but Vera said there s a lot of passage there, and I believe her...
ANyway, the exhibition would be for march...if it happens.
I guess the jungle won t run away, but I am afraid Sagar might...But I believe in karma, in a way, and our karma is to be juntos, so...
Oh my sweet Sagar.How much I miss you and how much you are in my restless mind, you have no idea.
I had a good laugh with Ann and Peter and the muppets, they re something,...
Peter reminds me of Rafael in a way, he s crazy....but very nice.
http://demie.dederdebelg.be/ (Anns Blog)